
IEEE NSU Student Branch - Women in Engineering Affinity Group



Published from: IEEE NSU Student Branch - Women in Engineering Affinity Group

Event date: Oct. 21, 2016

Final date: Oct. 23, 2016

Technovanza-2016 is an upcoming event under Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of North South University and being organized by Women in Engineering (WIE) Affinity Group, IEEE NSU Student Branch. This Event is going to be the Biggest Event of IEEE BD section.

This event is going to be a platform for those brilliant minds who want to showcase their skills and projects and is also going to be designed in a way which supports and inspires women working in engineering field.

There will be several segments. These are:

1. Line Follower Robot Challenge

## Take part in the Line follower robot competition in Technovanza 16 and win amazing prizes.

Type: Group.
Maximum Member: 4.
Event details and rules for the competition are given in the link below:

*For Each segment Participants has to pay the registration fee first and then fill up the form within 2 days. The participants will get an confirmation mail.

Registration link :

2.Sumo Robot Fight

## For the first time in NSU history, Technovanza presents “Sumo robot fight”. A clash between autonomous bots that will determine who has got the trick and who will bite the dust. Let the battle begin!!!

Type: Group.
Maximum Member: 4.
Event details and rules for the competition are given in the link below:

*For Each segment Participants has to pay the registration fee first and then fill up the form. Within 2 days the participants will get an confirmation mail.

Registration link :

3.Project Showcase

## Project Showcase is the premier opportunity for engineering students to demonstrate their research. This event also provides an amazing opportunity for practitioners involved in completed, to be started or ongoing research projects.
So, don’t miss out on the opening to stun everyone with your project and create a strong impression for your career as an engineer.
Type: Group.
Maximum Member: 3 members as a group.
Event details and rules for the competition are given in the link below:
*Open to all university students. Team may form with members from different institutes.

*For Each segment Participants has to pay the registration fee first and then fill up the form. Within 2 days the participants will get an confirmation mail.

Registration link :

4.Poster Presentation

Poster Size: A3
Create your own poster based on the topic. The purpose of this segment is to bring out new ideas from young mind and represent it to the other tech-lovers.
So, make a team and be a part of this amazing event.

A total prize money of 26,000/= BDT to be won!
Type: Group.
Maximum Member: 3.
Event details and rules for the competition are given in the link below :
*Open to all university students. Team may form with members from different institutes.

*For Each segment Participants has to pay the registration fee first and then fill up the form. Within 2 days the participants will get an confirmation mail.

Registration link :

5.Green Brain

## Technovanza presents Green brain; an idea generation Competition where groups will compete with each other using their ideas on how to make the Earth a greener and sustainable place. So get ready for the battle of potential minds that challenges the environmental mishaps and pursues the idea of restoring the planet.
Type: Group.
Maximum Member: 5.

*Open to all university students. Team may form with members from different institutes.

*For Each segment Participants has to pay the registration fee first and then fill up the form. Within 2 days the participants will get an confirmation mail.


*For Each segment Participants has to pay the registration fee first and then fill up the form. Within 2 days the participants will get an confirmation mail.
Prize money:
Winner: 30000/= BDT
First Runner up: 20000/= BDT
Second Runner up: 15000/= BDT



Registration link :

6. Rubik's Cube competition

## Be the first one to solve the Rubik’s Cube and win amazing prizes.
Type: Individual.
Maximum Member: 1.
Event details and rules for the competition are given in the link below :
*Open to all university students. School & College students can participate also.

*For Each segment Participants has to pay the registration fee first and then fill up the form. Within 2 days the participants will get an confirmation mail.

Registration link :

7. Engineering Olympiad

## A general contest where participants will be quizzed regarding Technology, Science, Math and Engineering topics.
Type: Individual.
Maximum Member: 1.
Event details and rules for the competition are given in the link below :
*Open to all university students. College students can participate also.

*For Each segment Participants has to pay the registration fee first and then fill up the form. Within 2 days the participants will get an confirmation mail.

Registration link :


8. Technophilia

## Take part in a brainstorming discussion session that highlights the technological advancements made so far along with other techheads and win the best speakers’ award
Topic Source:
No fee is needed.
*Open to all university students (IEEE members only).



## Also, there is going to be a Workshop on Basic Robotics for School/College Girls only.

*Online Registration starts from 16 September, 2016 till 8th October, 2016.