Developed by IEEE NSU Student Branch Website Development Team

We’re a dynamic group of individuals who are passionate about what we do.

Project Lead

Picture of Farhan Ishrak Tahmid

Farhan Ishrak Tahmid

Back-End Developer

I always believed one thing in my life, "Never loose Hope."

Picture of Md. Shakib Shahariar Junayed

Md. Shakib Shahariar Junayed

Full-Stack Developer

Rising through Resilience, Inspiring Every Stride

Picture of Md. Sakib Sami

Md. Sakib Sami

Back-End Developer

Bugs attracts me

Meet Our Developers

Picture of Farhan Ishrak Tahmid

Farhan Ishrak Tahmid

Back-End Developer

Verliere nie die Hoffnung!

Picture of Md. Sakib Sami

Md. Sakib Sami

Back-End Developer

Do I look like a developer?

Picture of Md. Shakib Shahariar Junayed

Md. Shakib Shahariar Junayed

Full-Stack Developer

Rising through Resilience, Inspiring Every Stride

Picture of Arman Mokammel

Arman Mokammel

Back-End Developer

Pursuit's elation: it works! Triumph, curiosity lingers—why? Unseen forces, mysteries await.

Picture of Fazlul Karim Shahed

Fazlul Karim Shahed

Front-End Developer


Picture of Rahiq Rahman

Rahiq Rahman

Front-End Developer

I import codes straight from Italy

Picture of Sami Uddin

Sami Uddin

Front-End Developer

Fall down seven times, stand up eight

Picture of Farhana Rahman

Farhana Rahman

Front-End Developer

It’s not a bug; it’s an undocumented feature.

Picture of Shakil Ahmed

Shakil Ahmed

Front-End Developer


Picture of Tajwar Munim Turzo

Tajwar Munim Turzo

Front-End Developer


Picture of Farhana Akbar

Farhana Akbar

Front-End Developer

Calm | Focused | Creative | Passionate

Picture of Suraiya Meem

Suraiya Meem

Back-End Developer

I have grit, courage, multitask well, and am organized.