IEEE PES Day 2023

IEEE NSU Power and Energy Society Student Branch Chapter


IEEE PES Day 2023

Published from: IEEE NSU Power and Energy Society Student Branch Chapter

Event date: April 1, 2023

Final date: May 28, 2023

From worsening climate and environmental conditions, it is clear that we are probably not taking enough corrective actions. But there are odd individuals, organizations, and government bodies out there, who actually are taking significant actions and have brilliant ideas to save the world from the catastrophic effects of climate change.

So we’re back with the 6th IEEE PES DAY on the theme Powering a Climate Safer Future! , being conducted in hybrid mode.

The celebration is open to ideas and actions to save the world to recognize citizens’ contributions, encourage them, and provide them with limelight so that they can spread their actions and ideas.

Keeping this theme in mind, let’s collaborate and connect with a global network of IEEE Members, PES Volunteers, and PES Young Professionals to make PES Day a great success and help bring a significant change with Technical, Social, Humanitarian, Women in Power, and Young Professional aspects.

Shoutout to all the IEEE Members across the Globe to help Advocate for a Sustainable and Safe Future Powered by Clean and Resilient Power and Energy technologies.