Industrial Design Intelligence

IEEE NSU Industry Application Society Student Branch Chapter

A Product strives to improve the value of people's lives. Achieving this depends on many factors, but without serious evaluations, what makes it succeed or fail may never be known. Design cycles might start with an aesthetic or functional problem: the designer's library of design examples, skills, and efforts at creating solutions. We have inspirations, communicate them, create prototypes, create stories, give presentations, and declare victory. But as a consequence of design and technology getting more complex, the danger of confusing use cases and bollixing the user is ever more present; design needs deep reality checks. We will illustrate these concepts with examples that include IT in physical devices from Positive Pressure Respiration for Covid-19 delivery to power supply design.

Keeping this in mind, IEEE NSU IAS Student Branch Chapter is arranging a workshop titled " Industrial Design Intelligence'', powered by NSU STARTUP NEXT on the 20th of February 2023. Our chief guest & keynote speaker is Prof. Ted Selker who is currently the CTO of Alphy, creating Reflect - an AI-powered considerate communication support tool. Usable security and voting technology are currently the focus of his academic roles at RIT and the University of Maryland. He spent 10 years as an associate Professor at the MIT Media Laboratory where he created the Context Aware Computing group, co-directed the Caltech/MIT Voting Technology Project, and directed the Industrial Design Intelligence future for a product design project. He will illustrate these concepts with examples that include IT in physical devices from Positive Pressure Respiration for Covid-19 delivery to power supply design. We will use design examples to demonstrate how being aware of the various design perspectives inspired us to create better with him.
Speaker Details:
Prof. Ted Selker
CTO of Alphy,
Former associate Professor at the MIT .
Former adjunct professor at Stanford

Start Time
3:00 PM, 20th Feb, 2023
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