Talk Show: From Engineering to Entrepreneurship

IEEE NSU Student Branch

The rapid switch of technology from luxury to necessity has opened innumerous career pathways and the most innovative and creative results emerge when engineers choose entrepreneurship. While many young and would-be engineers have fervent interests in pursuing careers in their relevant business fields, the concerns and uncertainties about how to begin are prevalent as well. With hefty study pressure and difficulty to find time, one might think of it as a very arduous task. However, the vast number of successful entrepreneurs who are engineers as well say otherwise. Proper planning, motivation and skill development are required for achieving it. Mr. Mir Sakib, the co-founder and CEO of Cramstack, a search driven analytics platform for business intelligence, made it to the Forbes 30 Under 30 Asia list - Class of 2021. His exemplary accomplishments and story of overcoming many obstacles are not only inspiring, but also enlightening. Suggestions, planning tips and motivation about engineering entrepreneurship from Mr. Sakib are not to be missed.
We are delighted to inform you that, on the 14th of July 2021, IEEE NSU Student Branch is going to organize a Live Talk Show: From Engineering to Entrepreneurship  with Mr. Mir Sakib as the keynote speaker. This webinar will focus on what engineering entrepreneurship is, the scopes and career pathways, how our speaker succeeded, etc.
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Speaker Details:
Keynote Speaker:
Mir Sakib
Co-Founder and CEO at Cramstack
Studies Master’s Degree, Applied Mathematics and Informatics: Data Science at Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia
Forbes 30 Under 30

07:00 PM
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