Quantum Computing & Mechanics: Technical prospects & Opportunities in Higher Studies

IEEE NSU Student Branch

Quantum Computing, a subfield of Quantum Information Science, is a type of computation that performs certain computational problems and calculations much faster than the current classical computers, providing exceptional speedups by utilizing the superposition, interference, and entanglement of quantum states or quantum mechanical qubit instead of a classical binary bit.

In the modern world, the area of quantum computing is providing ‘huge’ opportunities (i.e. full scholarships & high salaried positions) for noteworthy research and development activities in the universities and private job sectors around the world. Though it is believed that quantum computers will replace classical computers in the near future, there is a notable shortage of skilled scholars in this specific area all over the world.

To get familiarized with the future prospects and opportunities for higher studies, IEEE NSU Student Branch is organizing an event ‘Quantum Computing and Mechanics’ where an overview of quantum computing, technical prospects and opportunities in quantum computing for higher studies along with potential applications, scholarship process and industrial jobs in foreign countries will be discussed. Relevant topics of research in undergrad from Bangladesh on quantum computing and ‘how to perform research in this area from Bangladesh’ will also be highlighted in this event.

Most importantly, this talk will cover quantum computing from the basic idea of simple quantum mechanics (like storytelling) by covering the beautiful story of Einstein’s EPR paradox & John Bell’s invention. It is believed that this event will be enjoyable for both technical and non-technical people.

For this event we have with us as our Guest Speaker:

Dr. Mahdy Rahman Chowdhury
Associate Professor
ECE Department
North South University

And as our Keynote speakers we have:

Hamim Mahmud Rivy
Research Assistant, National University of Singapore.

Syed Emad Uddin Shubha
BUET EEE ‘16, Learner and Enthusiastic
Theoretical Quantum computing & Quantum Communication.

Event Details:
Date: April 21, 2022
Time: 1 PM - 3 PM
Platform: AUDI 801, North South University

No fee and Open for all NSUers!

1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
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