Workshop on getting started with React JS

IEEE NSU Student Branch

IEEE NSU Student Branch in collaboration with Shikhbe Shobai - #শিখবে সবাই, one of the largest freelancing communities of Bangladesh and IEEE NSU Student Branch WIE Affinity Group, are presenting you a two days workshop on "React JS"

IEEE NSU Student Branch has always tried to develop the potential skills of our members. This workshop is also an introductory session of ReactJS. A little experience in web programming and Javascript language is preferred as ReactJs, which is javascript's library. But you don't have to know any React syntax. We will start using React from Scratch and dive into details as we complete a project in this two-day session. After this session, you will be comfortable using React. You will have an understanding of how this library works. You can also showcase this project or include it in your resume.

To take freelancing and remote employment as a career path to 160 million Bangladeshis and to create the employment of 1M Bangladeshis within 2022, Shikhbe Shobai has been working all over the 64 districts of Bangladesh with 7630+ trainees. Over 320K+ people are connected with their social media and supporting their mission.

This workshop is designed for our IEEE Members and participants will be able to access the Workshop recording using their IEEE mails.IEEE Members will get discounts (60% online & 40% offline) on all the courses of Shikhbe Shobai.
Shikhbe Shobai:
So, Hurry up and grab this opportunity to increase your skills.

Instructor's name: Tahsin Shahriar
Graduated from EWU,CSE .
Freelance Software Developer, FullStack Web Development Mentor, Shikhbe Shobai

Reg Link:
Platform: Google Meet
Date:18th and 19th July, 2021
Time:7:30-9:30 PM (GMT +6)

The event is open for all! To reserve your spot, complete your registration using the link. Registered participants will be notified of the joining details and the required software installation link.

7:30-9:30 PM (GMT +6)
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