Workshop: Introduction to GitHub

IEEE NSU Student Branch

It is commonly seen that many students are required to use the application GitHub but they are unfamiliar with the significant services that can be availed by using GitHub. At North South University and many other Educational Institutions, professors expect to see their students using GitHub for their projects but most students do not know the basics and struggle all through their semester to get adapted with the features of this wonderful application. Thus, in the light of IEEE Day 2020, IEEE NSU Student Branch is looking forward to organizing a workshop on "Introduction to GitHub." This event aims to teach the participants about how and why to use GitHub.
By participating in this Workshop, you will learn about:

1) What is GIT and why do we use it?
2) GitHub and setting up a GitHub account
3) GIT workflow and common terms
4) Creating your first repository and commit
5) Creating your first pull request and committing to a shared repo.
Before attending the event, please make sure you have the following installed on your systems to save some time.

1) GIT (link given here -
2) Visual Studio Code or any modern IDE (Integrated Development Environment) - this is optional.

The workshop will be conducted by Zubier Abdullah, Software Developer, Tata Consultancy Services. Mr Zubier graduated from North South University in 2015, finished his masters at Ryerson University in 2017 and has been working ever since. He has been working as a full stack software developer for Tata Consultancy Services and his primary client is one of the largest banks in Canada.

If you are interested to join, hurry up and register. Seats are limited.
Registration Link:

The workshop is free of cost and open for all.

Date: October 24, 2020
Time: 7.00 PM (+GMT)
Platform: Google Meet

7:00 PM
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