Women in Academia: Do's and Don'ts while Preparing for Higher Studies in Abroad

IEEE NSU Student Branch

The IEEE DAY celebration is about sharing ideas and experiences of all members by coming together under the same platform. Through a series of events, on this very occasion, IEEE NSU Student Branch is organizing various different talk sessions on diverse topics that will drive various technological advances, promote the benefits of IEEE and create positive impacts on society. One of such events is “Women in Academia”. This event is being organized in collaboration with IEEE NSU Student Branch WIE Affinity Group.

This will be a talk session focusing on

1. The TO DO lists during bachelors in order to proceed with higher studies after bachelors.
2. How M.Sc. and PhD works in different continents.
3. How to continue with M.Sc. if you wish to pursue a future in research and possible PhD paths.
4. Set of obstacles commonly faced by women in particular.

“Radiah Rivu” will be the honorable speaker for our event, who will be sharing her experiences of her journey from an undergrad Student majoring in CSE to a PhD Student at Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany.

She is currently working as a scientific researcher in the Usable Security and Privacy team at the Research Institute Cyber Defense and Smart Data (CODE) (Bundeswehr University Munich). Her research lies in the field of HCI where she is looking into how Virtual Reality can be used as a novel research paradigm to extend or to even substitute real-world lab and field studies. This research lies at the intersection between understanding human behavioral changes between the real and the virtual world and using VR as a methodological tool. Radiah Rivu completed her B.Sc. (CSE) from North South University in 2015 and M.Sc. from Technical University Munich (TUM) in 2018.

It will be a complete guideline to everyone who aims to study overseas, carrying out a detailed outcome such as what skills to gain, and what to avoid so that you can resolve all your hesitations and be able to determine your career path!

Date: October 25, 2020 (Sunday)
Time: 7.00 PM (+6 GMT)
Platform: Google Meet
Registration Link: https://forms.gle/16NCrWkf1cKeaFcR9

This event is free of cost and open for all.

7:00 PM
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