Intra INSB Presentation Contest on IEEE Membership Benefits

IEEE NSU Student Branch

Hey there INSB Members,
We have always realized the importance of learning about the numerous Membership Benefits that IEEE has to offer. From different recognition and awards to exciting contests and beneficial services, IEEE is an ocean of benefits that only the members can avail.
Hence, on the occasion of IEEE Day 2020, we are presenting a Presentation Contest, exclusively for the INSB Members.

This will be a short three minute speech competition on a specific topic from the list of IEEE Benefits. After you sign up through the registration link, we will allocate a specific topic for you to prepare and present and the contest will be held on October 29, 2020.

Best speakers will be awarded with exciting prizes.

More details will be updated soon.

Contest Timeline
Call for Participation: October 21, 2020
Registration Deadline: October 22, 2020
Topic Allocation: October 24, 2020
Presentation Day: October 29, 2020
Winners Announcement: October 31, 2020

Don't miss this chance to learn and win.
**Event open for only the INSB Members to participate.

6 PM
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