IEEE Day Celebration by IEEE NSU Student Branch

IEEE NSU Student Branch

IEEE Day is celebrated by all IEEE Members to mark the significance of the historical day when engineers and IEEE Members from all around the world gathered to share their technical ideas in 1884.
This event is traditionally celebrated by IEEE NSU Student Branch since its inception, with various technical and impactful events and contests. This year, in particular, has been difficult for everyone. But we have always learned to turn difficulties into opportunities. This challenging time has given us the chance to connect with our members all over the world through a virtual platform and by taking that advantage, the first event that we are coming up with is “Celebrating IEEE Day 2020 by IEEE NSU Student Branch” with all our members and alumni. Our alumni will share how INSB has been celebrating IEEE Day in the past years and the existing will share their plans and visions for the upcoming tenure. Many other exciting segments await.

4 PM (+6 GMT)
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