Ice Breaking Spring'24

IEEE NSU Student Branch

To extend our warmest greetings to our newly recruited members, the IEEE NSU Student Branch is thrilled to announce the “Ice Breaking Session Spring'24” on the 24th of March 2024.

Join us for an enlightening session to learn about the IEEE NSU Student Branch and its passionate representatives. This session will allow you to network with each other or get an introduction to IEEE NSU SB and mark the beginning of your journey at IEEE NSU SB. This session will give you insights about IEEE and all the fantastic benefits it can offer. You will also learn about the teams of INSB, the Student Chapters, and the Affinity Group of INSB. This session promises to be fun-filled and entertaining following the formal segments. Your presence can genuinely turn this gathering into a resounding success.

We cordially invite our newly recruited members to join us in the “Ice Breaking Session Spring 2024”. Join us as we propel your journey forward at INSB. After the event, the IEEE NSU Student Branch will provide Iftar to its new members.

Event Details:

Date: 24th March, 2024

Time: 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Venue: AUDI 801, North South University.

Start Time
3:00 PM, 24th Mar, 2024
End Time
5:30 PM, 24th Mar, 2024
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