IoT Workshop 1.0

IEEE NSU Robotics and Automation Society Student Branch Chapter

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a rapidly growing technology that is revolutionizing the way we interact with devices and the world around us. It refers to a network of physical devices that are embedded with sensors, software, and connectivity, allowing them to exchange data and communicate with other devices and systems over the internet.

Have you ever wondered how easy it is to get started with this fascinating technology? IEEE NSU Robotics and Automation Society Student Branch Chapter is going to conduct an introductory workshop on IoT, named “IoT 1.0” which will cover some of the basics of IoT-based systems. Since its inception, IEEE NSU RAS SBC has striven to educate students, produce enthusiasts, and ensure that students have the opportunity to innovate, learn, and explore robotics and automation in order for them to become passionate about it. Therefore, IEEE NSU RAS SBC wants to empower the students through an interactive workshop on a very new yet fun aspect of automation, the Internet of Things (IoT). Through this workshop, the participants will receive hands-on experience of integrating IoT with their existing circuit-based knowledge, and also get an idea about how to start off with this interesting and revolutionary field.

Topics will be as follows:
1. Introduction to IoT
2. Introduction to Node MCU
3. Digital read and digital write 4. Analog read and analog write 5. Sensor reading
6. Introduction to blink app
7. One hands on example of IoT

** Participants can form groups of maximum 4 members or can partipate solo as well. Each participant has to complete registration and pay registration fees individually. Each group must have atleast one set of equipments (listed below) and a laptop.

List of equipment:
1. NodeMcu Lua V3 ESP8266 WiFi with CH340
2. Sonar sensor
3. Servo motor (sg90)
4. DHT11 sensor
5. Jumper wire (M-M, M-F, F-F)
6. USB-B Cable

Registration Fees:
BDT 100/= (per member) for IEEE members
BDT 150/= (per member) for Non-IEEE members

Payment Method:
Bkash Number (Send money): 01857429467 (Personal)
Rocket Number (Send money): 016308745873 ((Personal)

Start Time
3:30 PM, 5th May, 2023
End Time
5:30 PM, 5th May, 2023
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