IoT Workshop 2.0

IEEE NSU Robotics and Automation Society Student Branch Chapter

The Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing modern life through the seamless exchange of data among integrated devices via the internet. This technology enables autonomous transportation, home automation, smart security, and various electronic systems by combining sensors with software and user interfaces for data analysis and storage.

Even though this concept may seem complex and meticulous, do you know you can build an advanced IoT system with ease? To show you how, on the occasion of IEEE Day 2023 celebration, IEEE NSU Robotics and Automation Society Student Branch Chapter in collaboration with IEEE NSU Student Branch, has arranged an IoT workshop titled, “IoT Workshop 2.0” on 6th October, 2023. By focusing on the goal of cultivating enthusiasts and making sure that students develop a passion for robotics and automation, IEEE NSU RAS SBC has organized this interactive session on the Internet of Things (IoT) to help students who know the basics, advance to the next level in this technology. So, dive into the world of IoT through this workshop, empower your tech skills and ignite innovation. Don't miss this hands-on experience of designing a full-fledged advanced IoT system which will help you to specialize in this revolutionary and rapidly growing field.

Topics will be as follows:
1. Introduction to IoT
2. Introduction to Node MCU
3. Digital read and digital write
4. Analog read and analog write
5. Communication with Google Assistant
6. A hands on project based on IoT

Start Time
3:30 PM, 6th Oct, 2023
End Time
6:00 PM, 6th Oct, 2023
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