Women's Safety: Envisioning Technology with SOS for a Better Tomorrow

IEEE NSU Student Branch - Women in Engineering Affinity Group

Women are gradually but steadily pursuing careers in technology and robotics, giving our society a more diversified voice. To embrace a better tomorrow, it's time to encourage and empower underprivileged women in technology and increase their representation and participation by equipping practical knowledge about robotics and technology.

This time on IEEE Day 2022, to empower and provide privileges to underprivileged women, IEEE NSU Student Branch WIE Affinity Group, in collaboration with IEEE NSU Student Branch, is going to organize a technical workshop titled "Women's Safety: Envisioning Technology with SOS for a Better Tomorrow" on 15 October 2022.
The event aims to build the provocation of female students from "SOS Children's Villages Bangladesh" and empower them to utilize technology for their betterment.
SOS Children's Villages is the world's largest non-governmental association that sustains children without parental care and families at risk in 137 countries and territories worldwide, including Bangladesh.

This workshop will facilitate the advancement and safety of underprivileged women in technology. Moreover, it will inspire unprivileged female students to introduce technology and how they could utilize technology for their safety for a better tomorrow.


Event Details:

Date: 15 October 2022
Day : Saturday
Time: 03 PM (BDT)
Venue: SOS Children's Villages Bangladesh

3.00 PM
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