Breaking Barriers; Women's Career Success in Patriarchal Workplaces

IEEE NSU Student Branch - Women in Engineering Affinity Group

In celebration of the IEEE Day 2023, with a focus on the theme 'Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow,' IEEE NSU SB WIE AG, in collaboration with IEEE NSU SB, is excited to announce the upcoming Talk Session entitled "Breaking Barriers: Women's Career Success in Patriarchal Workplaces" on the 10th of October 2023 at North South University.

The primary purpose of this seminar is to provide our students with a comprehensive understanding of the challenges women encounter in patriarchal work settings. Our goal is to discuss ways to recognize and tackle gender bias and stereotypes at work, boost confidence of our female students in navigating such environments, and address workplace gender biases effectively.

Take advantage of the opportunity to join the Talk Session with exceptional women who've conquered male-dominated industries. Uncover their success strategies and ignite your ambition to redefine your own path to success.

3:00PM - 5:00PM
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