From Awareness to Action: Women's Role in Tackling Climate Changes

IEEE NSU Student Branch - Women in Engineering Affinity Group

Climate change's consequences are far-reaching, encompassing rising temperatures, liquefying ice caps, altered weather patterns, and threats to ecosystems, human health, and economies. We must stand kindred to conserve our planet's beauty and resilience through endurable actions.

Get ready to embark on an inspiring journey of environmental empowerment! Join us in spreading awareness about the pressing concerns of climate change while celebrating the remarkable IEEE WIE Day'23, centered around the theme "Engaging Women in Mitigating Climate Change & Building Climate Resilience."

IEEE NSU SB WIE AG believes that addressing climate change is paramount, and women are crucial in bringing about positive changes. Keeping that in mind, IEEE NSU SB WIE AG, in collaboration with the Earth Club of North South University, has arranged a seminar named "From Awareness to Action: Women's Role in Tackling Climate Change.”

The seminar will allow participants to gain insight from priceless experiences and receive crucial knowledge and stimulation regarding climate change. Together, we'll shine a spotlight on the pivotal role of women in combating climate challenges and fostering resilience in our changing world. Let's unite for a greener, sustainable future!

Start Time
3:00 PM, 30th Jul, 2023
End Time
5:00 PM, 30th Jul, 2023
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