Women x STEM: The Emerging Alliance

IEEE NSU Student Branch - Women in Engineering Affinity Group

How women can contribute more and receive the accolades they deserve in STEM fields? What is holding them back from unleashing?

Let’s unfold the untold with the experts in a webinar from IEEE NSU Student Branch, WIE Affinity Group, collaborating with WEPNeT Foundation titled "Women X STEM: The Emerging Alliance" on Saturday of November 20th, 2021.


Women Engineers' Power Network (WEPNet) is a professional platform for Bangladeshi female engineers to reach their full potential, achieve long-term professional excellence, and make a positive contribution to society. WEPNeT is an organization that empowers women on all levels and is highly driven. They organized several webinars and seminars to help women realize their potential.

In STEM, there is a gender gap; as a woman with a degree in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics, you will confront some difficulties that can be excruciating. STEM careers appear to be ideal for women; if you understand the benefits and negatives in these parts, you might be able to use strategies and recommendations to help you become a better version of yourself. This webinar will enlighten you with information that will help you to go ahead in your career. In the field of STEM, how women can easily prosper and grow their empowerment will be declared briefly and show you proper guidance.

We have our five esteemed speakers in this webinar. We are honored to have these intelligent and amazing women educate us throughout the webinar. They will show us how equality can be reclaimed in STEM by providing meaningful advice, how we can conquer the STEM industry by utilizing our superior abilities, communication, and ideas. A girl can attain professional paths more efficiently and gain long-term success if she has confidence and support from the responsible authority. The speakers will take all of your inquiries and will provide their guidance.


Join our webinar to embrace your journey.

Speaker Details:

1. Dr. Nazmun Nahar
Professor (DCEE) and Director (IQAC)
North South University

2. Farzana I Mowla
Technical Advisor, Enterprise Architect.
Department of Employment and Social Development,
Federal Government of Canada.
Ottawa, CA

3. Nazme Mohsina
Technical Director, AMCA International

4. Fahima Shahadat
Country Representative Menard Group

5. Sharmin Banu
Executive Coach
Green Leaf Coaching


7:30 pm
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