Women In Leadership: Joys & Challenges During Pandemic

IEEE NSU Student Branch - Women in Engineering Affinity Group

A graceful woman gets strength from troubles, smiles when distressed, and grows even stronger with prayers and hope. A strong woman is capable of feeling intensely and loving ferociously. Her tears are just as numerous as her laughter. A strong woman is both soft and strong, practical as well as spiritual.
In reality, a powerful woman is a blessing to the universe. Without women's contribution, this world will be nothing. Even in this pandemic situation, women are doing their best in their work field. They are not standing still even in this situation.
In this era of science technology, women have to call out all battles and embrace their unique feminine leadership strengths and underestimate the value they bring.

To celebrate the glory of womanhood and embrace the power of womanhood, the IEEE North South University Women In Engineering Affinity group will arrange an event, "Women In Leadership: Challenges and Joy During pandemic," on 22nd March 2021.

This event will highlight how women leaders could bring their different experiences, perspectives, and skills to the table and make unique offerings to decisions, policies, and laws, to certify that they work better for all.
The aim will be to provide a virtual platform for women leaders in any phase.

So, let's shape a more balanced future!!

This Seminar is open for all.
Don't let this moment pass you by!
Fill out the registration form and claim your seat!!!

Platform via Google Meet

Date: 22nd March 2021


Session Duration: 90 minutes

Registration link: https://docs.google.com/.../1FAIpQLSdqNh6anscS.../viewform 

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