Women in Workplace : Embrace Equity

IEEE NSU Student Branch - Women in Engineering Affinity Group

On International Women's Day'23, IEEE NSU Student Branch WIE Affinity Group and IEEE NSU Power & Energy Society collaborated to organize a workshop titled "Navigating the Publication Process: How to Get Your Research Paper Accepted?" The event took place on March 9, 2023, at North South University.

In line with the theme "Embrace Equity" for International Women's Day 2023, IEEE NSU SB WIE Affinity Group and IEEE NSU PES SBC hosted a series of events throughout the month. The workshop, led by Dr. Shafin Rahman, Assistant Professor of the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department at North South University, focused on enhancing academic experiences through undergraduate research.

Participants had the opportunity to gain valuable insights into the publication process, including the importance of a precise research question, suitable methodology, and well-supported conclusions. Dr. Rahman shared tips on presenting research findings, using statistical analyses, referencing prior studies, and addressing reviewer feedback. The event, attended by students and faculty members, provided valuable perspectives on strategies to increase the likelihood of research paper acceptance.

3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
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