Industry Insights

IEEE NSU Industry Application Society Student Branch Chapter

Industry insights is a series of workshops organized by NSU Talks in collaboration with the IEEE NSU Student Branch (INSB) and its affiliate technical chapters, which are IEEE NSU Industry Applications Society (IAS) and IEEE NSU Robotics and Automation Society (RAS). The motive behind such an initiative is to give the students of North South University and students of other universities of the country a platform through which they would be able to learn specific skills and have an insight into the industries that are growing with job opportunities. This workshop series is designed for students with diversified interests in different career domains, irrespective of their undergrad-major constraints at the university.
The whole event would be divided into three classes that would be conducted by esteemed speakers/instructors. The courses would be divided into the following types: -
i) Session 1 - ● An insight into the industry, its current job opportunities, and the possibility of starting a career in it.
ii) Session 2 - ● Workshops where students will learn essential industry traits, preparing to get in, creating a professional Resume, mastering presentation skills, work ethics, etc.
iii) Session 3 - ● Evaluation of the students based on the workshops conducted. ● Preferable Evaluation Test: CASE STUDY-Problem Solving We would evaluate the participants based on the process of a particular case-solving problem, as we see in various virtual internship programs such as the Bright Network.
For example:
If a participant registers for the Telecommunications Sector, then the case would be related to a problem within the Telecommunications industry and how the participant uses the resources to solve the problem as an employee.
Registration fee: 150taka
Payment methods:
Bkash: 01521536334 (Sahil)
Nagad: 01309678995 (Nijhum)
Please add your name as a reference.
So join us from the 21st of March to the 9th of April 2021 to embark on a journey into the industries that you always dreamt of being a part of!

08:00 PM
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