Zero Robotics: International Space Station for Bangladesh

IEEE NSU Student Branch - Women in Engineering Affinity Group

IEEE NSU Student Branch, WIE Affinity Group in collaboration with Office of External Affairs, NSU and Robotics & Automation Society, IEEE NSU Student Branch Chapter are going to organise this event on 10.03.2019 from 11.30AM at NSU Auditorium.
For more than a decade, the International Space Station (ISS) has provided hands-on educational opportunities that encourage students to transcend passive learning, engaging them as interactive participants. From 2000 through 2012, there have been more than 42 million students, from 44 countries involved in different STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) activities aboard the space station. Unfortunately, Bangladeshi students did not get this opportunity. We strongly believe that Bangladeshi high school students are intelligent and more than capable enough to join the Zero Robotics tournament, which is the only robot programming tournament available to students that runs inside the ISS. The world is becoming increasingly reliant on virtual communication, Artificial intelligence, Big Data analytics, and hyper-connected people through internet technology. If Bangladesh is to become a global front-runner in those sectors, we must start by encouraging and educating the youth through opportunities, like Zero Robotics, which foster real world expertise. The translatable skills that children will develop during their participation in ZR will prepare them for success in any field because this has the capacity to transform Bangladesh in all sectors.
There will be two parts of the event: In the first phase there will be a quiz competition and in the second phase our respected speaker Mizanul Chowdhury, Professor, MIT, USA will share his knowledge about zero robotics among us.

11:30 AM - 1:00 PM
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