EdgeTech Forum: Exploring Intelligence at the Edge and Shaping Technology Transfer and Policy

IEEE NSU Industry Application Society Student Branch Chapter

Are you ready to dive into the future of technology? In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, staying ahead of the curve is not just an advantage - it's a necessity. The EdgeTech Forum holds immense importance as it brings together a dynamic blend of innovation, knowledge, and collaboration to shape the future of technology and its impact on society.
As breakthrough technologies like Intelligence at the Edge emerge, the need to strike a balance between innovation and responsibility becomes paramount. Shaping technology transfer and policy allows us to ensure that advancements are harnessed for the greater good, addressing ethical considerations, safety concerns, and potential risks associated with new technologies.
Keeping this in mind IEEE NSU Industry Applications Society Student Branch Chapter has arranged a combined event titled "EdgeTech Forum: Exploring Intelligence at the Edge and Shaping Technology Transfer and Policy" on 31st of August, 2023. Our chief guests & keynote speakers are Mr. Md. Ishan Arefin Hossain and Dr. M. Rokonuzzaman.
Mr. Md. Ishan Arefin Hossain, Lecturer, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), North South University, will share his unique insights, unraveling the essence and vision of the EdgeTech Forum. And Dr. M. Rokonuzzaman, Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), North South University, will break down the connection between tech transfer and policy, offering practical insights into building rules that guide tech growth and share his unique insight to make sure our technological advancements benefit everyone and respect ethical standards.
Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the dialogue that will shape the future landscape of technology and policy. Join us at the EdgeTech Forum, where innovation meets practicality, and possibilities become reality!
Speaker Details:
1. Mr. Md. Ishan Arefin Hossain
Lecturer, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), North South University
Time: 3:00 - 4:00 PM
2. Dr. M. Rokonuzzaman
Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), North South University
Time: 4:00 - 6:00 PM

03:00 - 06:00 PM
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